Ruizhou Knife CNC Cutting Machine

Operational area in Touchscreen (Ruizhou CRT series cutting machine)

1. Operational area

All buttons can be operated in the work page, except the items in the yellow box below.

  CNC cutting machine

2. Moving direction button

  knife cutter machine

a. [top and bottom]

Moving button controls the machine moving head move up and down in the direction of Y-axis.

 [left and right]  

Moving button controls the machine moving head move left and right in the direction of X-axis.

b. [up and down]  

Moving button controls the knife move up and down in the direction of Z-axis.

  ruizhou cutting machine

c. Speed level switch

The speed is divided into 3 level: FAST, HALF, SLOW when you control the beam or the moving head manually. 

Click on the English letter position, you can switch the speed level from SLOW TO FAST, as the picture below.

   CNC cutting machine

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